

The transfer associate degree in philosophy examines various methods of thinking and the foundation of those thoughts. 课程探讨哲学作为我们法律体系的基础, government, politics, 教育系统, 以及其他机构.  对法律职业感兴趣的学生, religion, or higher education transfer to a four-year institution for a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, 通常接着是读研.

文科、人文、哲学建议学位计划 & 宗教(AA)
不要用这个学位计划代替指导老师. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
第一学期 Details
ENG 101 修辞学与写作1 Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. 修英语101课程的先决条件是具备英语语法能力, mechanics, 标点符号, 和拼写. 艾:900英镑.
先决条件: eng099成绩为“C”或以上或适当的分数线
FYE 101 开辟你的道路 Details 1
针对新生, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. 这门课程也能培养学生的能力, 这将帮助他们应对复杂的大学生活.
先决条件: (none)
MAT 109 基本统计信息 Details 3
统计学对统计数据的收集和解释的研究. 具体的主题包括对样本数据的描述, 概率, 概率分布, sampling, estimation, 测试假说, 相关, 和回归. 艾:我是.
先决条件: MAT 020成绩在两个学期内达到“C”或以上, 合适的分数线, 或部门同意
PSY 101 心理学概论 Details 3
Basic introduction to the major areas of psychology--the study of behavior and the mind. 重点领域包括人类发展, 人格理论, learning, thinking, 压力和动力, 精神疾病, 以及行为的生理和社会方面. 课程将研究与实际生活应用相结合. IAI: S6 900.
先决条件: (none)
HUM 101 人文学科概论 Details 3
人类价值观研究, 的自我认知, 以及在戏剧中表达的愿望, film, music, literature, painting, sculpture, 还有强调历史的建筑, techniques, meaning, 以及对个人作品的评价. IAI: HF 900.
先决条件: (none)
ENG 130 电影概论 Details 3
This course introduces the basics of film production and analysis in order to help students understand and enjoy film as an art form. Students will be introduced to the formal elements of film production as well as fundamental principles of genre and narrative in order to understand how directors' decisions regarding these elements and principles create meaning.
先决条件: (none)
第二学期 Details
ENG 102 修辞与写作(二) Details 3
A continuation of ENG 101; provides further practice in writing at the college level for a variety of purposes and audiences, 既使用固定形式,也使用开放形式或发展形式. 需要研究论文. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: 完成英语101课程,成绩达C或以上
HIS 101 西方文明I Details 3
政治调查, 西方世界的社会经济史, including the origins and development of its peoples and cultures beginning with a study of the early Middle Eastern civilizations of Mesopotamia and progressing through the civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Rome, 以及中世纪的欧洲, Renaissance, 和改革. IAI: S2 902.
先决条件: (none)
BIO 101 普通生物学 Details 4
An introductory biology course that covers a breadth of biological concepts including biochemical pathways, 分子与细胞生物学, 有机体的结构和功能, 遗传学和遗传, evolution, ecology, 以及生命科学对社会的重要性. 在实验室环境中, emphasis will be placed on utilizing the scientific process to arrive at evidence-based conclusions. 3课时,2课时实验; IAI: L1 900L.
先决条件: MAT 010成绩在两个学期内达到C或以上, 或适当的分班考试成绩, 或部门同意. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam for the particular prerequisite course. A passing BIO 101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the BIO 101 requirement. Otherwise, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
PHL 101 哲学概论 Details 3
基本问题介绍, procedures, and systems of philosophy and the development of powers over independent analysis on the student with a constructive attitude toward knowledge. IAI: H4 900.
先决条件: (none)
MUS 121 音乐文学概论 Details 3
对术语的研究, vocabulary and structure of music literature and style through the history and examination of selected composers and materials. IAI: F1 901.
先决条件: (none)
第三学期 Details
CMN 101 演讲一简介 Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. 艾:900英镑.
先决条件: (none)
SCI 100 环境地质 Details 4
An introductory study of forces that continually shape the surface of the earth, including examination of geological formation processes and our impact on the environment. 3课时,2课时实验. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: (none)
RST 175 基础宗教文本 Details 3
The humanistic study of the foundational documents of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 课程着眼于希伯来圣经, 新约, 还有《beat365平台》, as well as secondary sacred texts that are used by each tradition to explain the meaning of these primary texts. IAI: H5 901.
先决条件: (none)
ART 115 艺术欣赏 Details 3
Designed to expose/cultivate an awareness of art in our culture with some emphasis on contemporary times. 艾:f2 900
先决条件: (none)
ENG 114 Fiction Details 3
小说学对小说的研究,包括短篇小说和长篇小说. 爱:h3901.
先决条件: ENG 101
第四学期 Details
SOC 101 社会学概论 Details 3
This course is an introduction to sociology as a way of understanding the world and how it applies to everyday life. Major theoretical perspectives and concepts are presented including socialization, culture, 知识的社会建构, 社会控制和越轨行为, inequality, 种族和民族关系, poverty, 以及社会学的想象力. IAI: S7 900.
先决条件: (none)
ENG 220 创意写作入门 Details 3
A course introducing writers to the exploration and practice of creative writing within a specific genre or across multiple genres. 学生将使用课堂写作练习, 协作写作, 车间批判, 技术为主的实践, reading, and group discussion to establish a classroom community of creative writers. As an introductory, skill-building course, no previous creative writing experience is necessary.
先决条件: 英语101,成绩C或以上
ART 100 绘画I:基础 Details 3
This course will explore the basic aspects of drawing with the emphasis on developing an understanding of visual and technical skills pertinent to all art fields.
先决条件: (none)
PHL 201 世界主要宗教 Details 3
对当今世界各大宗教的研究. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: (none)
Various Electives Details 4
任何以学分为基础的课程都可以满足这一要求. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
先决条件: 因课程而异